The Lobster Wars

La Wife was out shopping and I was thinking about dinner. So I sent her the following message:

"Give me crustacean or give me death."

After 15 minutes, I heard nothing back, and I was beginning to worry. So I followed up:

"Come back WITH your crustacean or ON it."

I thought that would get her attention. She could handle my own demise, but was she willing to face the Spartan ultimatum?

Apparently so. Quoth La Wife: bupkis. So I decided to go all pop culture on her.

"A day without crustacean is a day without sunshine."

I could sense her resolve was weakening. So I went for the coup de grâce.

"Love means never having to say you're hungry."

I got the following reply:

"To be or not to be, that is the crustacean."

Oh snap! Touché!